About section for Cc0Pics
The about page for Cc0Pics content as well as Copyright free Public Domain infos
#About; #Info; #Information; #Tags; #Explanation; #Bio;
Intent behind this project which is known as Cc0Pics:
Digital images can be copied without any cost which is why Cc0Pics supports the idea of giving intellectual property into the Public Domain.
Cc0Pics provided images are intended to be usable without any limitations in any project as freely a possible.
This is why all Cc0Pics images are released in the Public Domain and therefore completely free of any copyright.
Content License Overview:
Cc0Pics images are completely in the Public Domain and fully free of any possible copyright or added licenses, limitations or conditions.
All Cc0Pics images are exclusively original shots taken by the person behind this project which alleviates any risk of copyright issues.
The creator is giving up any copyright on images and allows reusers to build upon the images in any medium or format, even for commercial purposes.
License declaration of all Cc0Pics images:
Cc0Pics and respectively the person behind it gives up any possible copyright on images provided and therefore gives them into the Public Domain internationally.
Images are licensed as free CC0 1.0 Universal, CC0 public domain dedication with No Rights Reserved
The following claims apply to all images provided by Cc0Pics:
Cc0Pics waives all copyright and related or neighbouring rights together with all associated claims and causes of action with respect to images to the extent possible under the law.
Cc0Pics voluntarily elects to apply CC0 to all images provided.
License applied to all Cc0Pics images:
Extra information links:
The about page for Cc0Pics content as well as Copyright free Public Domain infos
#About; #Info; #Information; #Tags; #Explanation; #Bio;
Intent behind this project which is known as Cc0Pics:
Digital images can be copied without any cost which is why Cc0Pics supports the idea of giving intellectual property into the Public Domain.
Cc0Pics provided images are intended to be usable without any limitations in any project as freely a possible.
This is why all Cc0Pics images are released in the Public Domain and therefore completely free of any copyright.
Content License Overview:
Cc0Pics images are completely in the Public Domain and fully free of any possible copyright or added licenses, limitations or conditions.
All Cc0Pics images are exclusively original shots taken by the person behind this project which alleviates any risk of copyright issues.
The creator is giving up any copyright on images and allows reusers to build upon the images in any medium or format, even for commercial purposes.
License declaration of all Cc0Pics images:
Cc0Pics and respectively the person behind it gives up any possible copyright on images provided and therefore gives them into the Public Domain internationally.
Images are licensed as free CC0 1.0 Universal, CC0 public domain dedication with No Rights Reserved
The following claims apply to all images provided by Cc0Pics:
Cc0Pics waives all copyright and related or neighbouring rights together with all associated claims and causes of action with respect to images to the extent possible under the law.
Cc0Pics voluntarily elects to apply CC0 to all images provided.
License applied to all Cc0Pics images:
Extra information links: